Content Credentials
for mobile, web or enterprise.
We help creators, publishers, journalists, and product companies sign and verify digital content across platforms. If you rely on authentic content for your business, we can help your team create a more trustworthy digital environment.
Content Credentials are the specific metadata attached to digital content like photos, videos, or documents that explain the origin, authenticity, and history of the content. This data helps customers understand what an image or video is and how much editing or manipulation occurred before publishing. Credentials help creators and publishers combat deepfakes, receive recognition for their work, and verify authenticity.
InfernoRed Technology develops custom software solutions to implement Content Credentials for organizations of all sizes. We can help your team implement C2PA standards to fight fraud, sign content, and ensure the authenticity and provenance of images and videos.

Create or enhance mobile apps for iOS or Android to capture and sign images.
Create APIs to sign images, add content storage, or implement third-party integrations.
Create or enhance web applications to view and manage signed content.
Explore more about Content Credentials:
Combat Misinformation or Fraud
Protect Intellectual Property
Ensure Accountability
Improve Attribution
Simplify Content Management
Featured Client:

InfernoRed Technology is a custom software development firm based in Reston, Virginia. We are experts in web, mobile, and cloud who can help you build products, improve customer experience, or expand your existing technology team.